The Integrated Circuits and Devices in Vietnam (ICDV) is an international forum for presenting chips and circuit designs in solid-state and semiconductor fields. Continuous scaling of the CMOS devices increases the number of transistors on a VLSI chip. It will soon reach the level of 10 giga transistors on a single chip, which is equivalent to the total neuron numbers in the human brain. This would certainly provide us a great opportunity for new applications and information processing.
August 16-18, 2010 at Ho Chi Minh city: The ICDV 2010 (Integrated Circuits and Devices in Vietnam) is an international workshop for presenting chips and circuit designs in solid-state and semiconductor fields. Thanks to the continuous advancement in CMOS device scaling, the number of transistors on a VLSI chip has been ever increasing. It will soon reach the level of 10 giga transistors on a single chip, the equivalent of the total number of neurons in the human brain.