The ICDV (Integrated Circuits and Devices in Vietnam) is an annual international forum for presenting chips and circuit designs in solid-state and semiconductor fields. Continuous scaling of the CMOS devices increases the number of transistors on a VLSI chip. It will soon reach the level of 10 giga transistors on a single chip, which is equivalent to the total neuron numbers in the human brain. This would certainly provide us a great opportunity for new applications and information processing. On the other hands, the small feature size causes new problems such as leakage current and process variation. To discuss utilizing the scaling advantages and coping with the new problems, we call for contributions about new proposal of application systems, VLSI architectures, and design methodologies as well as the technologies in the integrated circuit and device field. We expect to this conference explores and stimulates the contributed researches to those subjects. The papers are solicited from prospective authors interested in the related fields. The ICDV 2012 conference is supported by the IEICE ICD technical group, co-organized by VNU University of Engineering and Technology (VNU-UET) and Danang University of Technology (DUT), and will be held in Danang city, Vietnam from August 13-15, 2012. In this part of Central of Vietnam, you will also enjoy a coastal mix of the dynamic and booming city of Danang, the charm of the world heritage ancient town of Hoi An, and the calm of world heritage monuments of the imperial capital of Hue.
More information about the ICDV 2012 conference, please go to:
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